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  • Servicing / Sales Excellence

    Servicing / Sales Excellence

    Knowledge is Key - Know Your Customer

  • Servicing / Sales Excellence

    Servicing / Sales Excellence

    Knowledge is key - Know Your Customer

Servicing / Sales Excellence

In light of this many companies are investing heavily in digital tools, but most of them are struggling to see any impact on their business results. Why is this?

Servicing and selling also converged, as the client satisfaction, the client data and deep understanding of the client gained through servicing are key drivers for successful sales. Sales itself is becoming a service, enabling the client to buy more efficiently and effectively. Both sales and servicing are becoming key components of end-to-end value chain.

Service Excellence

As services are more and more supported by digital flows, a whole new approach to service excellence has been on the rise.

Exploiting service data allows to better understand service performance, to be exploited proactively towards commercial processes, capacity planning, service innovation, …

The emergence of AI takings different forms such as automated problem solving, natural language, bots, … also redefines the man-machine combination. Adoption by both clients and workforce of new possibilities and features, as well as accelerating their ability to grow towards higher value added role, becomes a major challenge.

Service digitalization also empowers much more the client and fundamentally change the relationship with them, opening the possibility of deeper collaborative value chain exploitation.

We help our clients progress faster in the upgrade of their services, helping them to manage the most appropriate improvement, combining process, human and digital changes.

Technological progress has a profound impact on business processes which goes far beyond automation and robotization. Digitization amplifies insights, accelerates learning, supports new business models and allows you to attack new markets. Progression has never been this fast.

Didier Brackenier

EFESO Belgium

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your data
use disruptive technology
boost your processes

Sales Excellence

Sales Growth is first about identify best growth opportunities, not only from a client need perspective, but also from an internal ability to fulfil profitably.

Sales Growth is also about exploiting process, data and human dynamics to reduce losses in sales operations. It is about getting more and well targeted high value interaction opportunities with clients, as well as developing the ability to transform them into results.

Finally, Sales Growth is about managing the total value chain perspective not to optimize profits and cash flow through better streamlining between sales, logistics, production and R&D.

We help our clients reach new levels in Sales Growth, by combining intelligently the growth opportunity prioritization, operational sales progression, and end-2-end value chain leveraging to exploit the full potential.

Today’s sales executives are faced with increased complexity. They balance the quarterly performance needs with capability transformation and also assure that the organization is fully on board with the journey. A systemic approach to steering the transformation in the right direction becomes.

Tobias Eriksson

EFESO Nordic Countries

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