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Maximizing Value Creation in Private Equity through Asset Portfolio Optimization

A volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) business landscape — including changing regulations, tariffs, and global economics — challenges private equity (PE) firms as they seek to get maximum returns from their portfolio of assets.

Many are turning to EFESO, which has rapidly reconfigured sourcing and production networks, decreased network costs (from 20% to 40% in total landed cost savings), and increased profits from the same assets and investments.

The EFESO Asset Portfolio Optimization approach, has rapidly reconfigured sourcing and production networks, decreased network costs, and increased profits from the same or fewer assets and investments via:

  • Value-Chain Optimization considers the holistic value-chain and identifies the means to establish an agile, resilient, and more efficient value chain.
  • Network Footprint Optimization evaluates the location of assets and establishes a new network that produces in the best locations in response to current and future demand and facilities’ capabilities and capacity.
  • Node Optimization identifies wastes and weaknesses of plants and closes those gaps through the application of lean techniques to improve quality, cost, and delivery.

Discover how leading investors are transforming their portfolios for maximum impact.